Advanced Gentle Formula: Septic Boost is a toilet cleaner that cleans effectively inside the bowl, protecting toilets, pipes, and stone surfaces in homes and RVs while being tough on stains yet gentle on fixtures.
Protective Septic Care: Enhance septic system health with our chemical-free, bio-based formula, designed to support essential microorganisms for optimal balance and efficiency, making it an ideal household toilet cleaner.
Dual-Action Clean & Care: Septic Boost not only serves as a heavy-duty toilet bowl cleaner but also boosts septic tank health with natural enzymes and probiotics, ensuring lasting performance.
Eco-Conscious Cleaning: Choose this eco toilet cleaner, made from renewable bio-based ingredients, for minimal ecological impact and a greener home.
Homegrown Quality Assurance: From our family to yours, every bottle of Septic Boost is crafted with pride. Proudly made in San Clemente, CA, our organic toilet bowl cleaner exemplifies American craftsmanship and eco-conscious household care.